I was just watching a commercial which I hardly EVER do but for some reason I didn’t hit that fast forward button when this one came on. It is the Johnson & Johnson “The Campaign for Nursing’s Future”. It shows this trauma nurse in what is seemingly a pretty emergent situation and her voice says, “I am a nurse, so I believe in the power of science and medicine but I’m also human and I believe in stacking the deck” as she says the last part of that she places a four leaf clover charm in her patients hand. I suppose that is to symbolize a “lucky charm”. My first thought was, “why wasn’t it a cross she placed there”. Talk about “stacking the deck”, a symbol of Faith and Love and Christ would have been a much better choice for that commercial, for that patient!
We had our Bible study tonight, it was GREAT! About Faith of a Mustard Seed.
Matthew 17:20 “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Steven prepared a great message and he had so many good points. If the faith of something as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain then how much Faith do we as humans ACTUALLY utilize? A grain of salt? A speck of sand? He quoted a favorite from our pastor and said, “Let’s stop taking the mountains to God but let’s take God to our mountains!” Steven also gave us a little challenge for next week and that is to find our own “spiritual mountains”. Now that is something to think about! Something hard to examine because when I start breaking it down, it seems that I have a lot of flaws in my faith.
I am going to word that a little differently as it will help me personally to explain it. I am going to call them “spiritual distractions”. I have distractions just about every moment of every day. Some of my best prayer time is when I am in the shower. I know, it sounds a little crazy but there is my one place that I get alone time every day. Distraction one, “Mommy, can I come in”. Distraction two, Maggie (our dog) barking because one of the cats has invaded her turf as she lies and waits patiently for me to get out of the shower and show her a little attention. Boom! My time with God is interrupted. The everyday routine of full little bellies, clean faces, and brushed teeth just in time to rush out the door to get to school/work on time proves to be more interference with God’s time. Whew, I make it to work just in time to transfer the phones from the answering service and get the hectic day started. The reality sets in as the phone rings with this or that and I have to see four patients today oh and get that plan of care completed, yes the chart audits must be completed, oh no there is that meeting with the discharge planner at the hospital. Will I have time to finish that conversation I started with God this morning? You know the one right before Landri knocked on the door, “mommy, I have to potty”. Maybe at lunch?? Does a protein bar and a fresh diet soda at my desk even count as a lunch break? O.K., O.K., after work I have soccer practice for only one child tonight, oh no, it’s two of them tonight. “Yes, we can eat dinner out tonight girls; mommy doesn’t have time to cook”. Bath time, get your clothes out for tomorrow, ok, we will pack your lunches tonight so you can help, two loads of laundry, dang, I forgot to put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher. “Mommy, I’m hungry”, “Can I get on the X-box”, “Read me a story”. Finally, bedtime, and the girls are all tucked in their beds. I think I will lay down myself, just for a moment and then I will get up and get to those dishes. Beep, beep, beep, is that the alarm clock?! I fell asleep? Are you kidding me?! Yay, shower time, I can finish that prayer. “Mommy…”
O.K. you have had a look inside one day of my life. It’s the reality of being a grown up! My distractions (as I look a little closer) are simply excuses! Excuses not putting God first in my life, in every moment of every day! THAT is my spiritual mountain! Romans 8:5 says, “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires”. To live in a sinful nature is to occupy oneself with debase wants. To live in a way that does not please God. Certainly, this includes a notion of letting everyday life get in the way of time that should be dedicated to God!
My goal is to quit making excuses, to make that time for God. The time that He deserves and that I so desperately need. Of course there are going to be distractions! We are a human family with six active girls that all together attend four different schools, we have four soccer teams we are currently participating in, two full time jobs, a home to maintain, Steven’s school, the list could go on and on and on… I pray that I can find that piece of me that is missing or that maybe I have lost somewhere along the way (I’m not sure which) that can overlook everyday life, everyday reality and put God first ALWAYS!
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest in your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11 28-30 To me, this scripture is saying that if I can completely give myself to Him, then I can find relief from the everyday stresses of reality. We ALL can! It seems so simple, yet we as humans make it into a hard feat! I am closing for now while I still can make the time to go to God. This moment seems like as good a time as any to get started on fixing my priorities and overtaking my spiritual mountain. Good Night!
Praying that God will swiftly remove this spiritual mountain:)